Top LinkedIn Posts on Backlinks You Can't Afford to Miss

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Top 10 LinkedIn posts on Backlinks

Ever caught yourself trying to figure out what really cranks up a website's ranking while Google keeps on giving us algorithm shocks through its updates?

Sometimes, it's not as complex as it seems— sometimes it can just be a killer backlink profile.

If you're deep into SEO, you're probably nodding your head right now.

Crafting a savvy backlink strategy isn't just about getting your content noticed; it's about locking in your site authority.

For the SEO pros out there running against time, getting the lowdown on acquiring top-notch backlinks is non-negotiable—and you need it yesterday.

We're diving into 9 must-see LinkedIn posts that serve up the A to Z on backlink strategies. Consider this your roadmap through your journey of mastering backlink excellence.

Deep Dive into Backlinks: Beyond the Basics

Before we hit up the LinkedIn gems, a quick primer for those on the verge of backlink mastery:

  • Digital Authority Signifiers: Think of backlinks as your website's shoutout, a big thumbs-up for your site's cred and relevance—key factors for those search engine algorithms.
  • Quality Over Quantity: It's all about who you know. One shoutout from a top-tier site is worth more than a bunch from the no-names.
  • SEO's Vote of Confidence: Search engines give backlinks major props, seeing them as a nod to your content's value, bumping you up in the search results.

The LinkedIn Goldmine: Detailed Insights

1. Infographics: A Potent Tool for Backlink Acquisition

Think infographics are old news?

Post Link- Jairo David Guerrero Vasquez on LinkedIn: How I Create Infographics and Earn Backlinks - SEO hack | 48 comments | 63 reposts

Think again. Get the scoop on creating infographics that not only catch the eye but get shared wide and far, hooking those high-quality backlinks. Learn how to create shareable, eye-catching infographics through this DIY process + 6 templates shared. It's all about making info easy on the eyes and share-worthy.

2. The Art of DIY Digital PR for Backlink Success

This is a fantastic overview of the whole process of everything you need to know to set up your own Digital PR process.

Post Link- Matt Diggity on LinkedIn: Exactly how to get the best links on the planet | 47 likes | 9833 views

Get the whole nine yards on crafting a bulletproof backlink strategy and investment hacks to protect your cash. Matt’s $97K investment reveals what makes some digital PRs rock and others fail. From database management to snagging journalists' attention and email pitches that nail it every time, this is your guide to digital PR greatness. It's compact, it's loaded, and it'll have you winning, round after round.

3. How to Create SEO Backlinks with ChatGPT

Yes, AI can help you score backlinks.

Post Link- Anna York on LinkedIn: How to create SEO-Backlinks with ChatGPT | 184 comments | 273 reposts |

This post highlights how AI can become an indispensable tool in brainstorming and generating link-worthy content. In this tried and tested method of generating 2-3 links/week, explore top prospect-finding tools for link-building, and crafting email copy that hits the mark, all with ChatGPT (plus plugins) + best email automation tools that make the job easier for you.

4. A Startup's link building Guide to Success

Another bonus post for this month is on mastering competition analysis for backlinks.

Post Link- Usman Sajid on LinkedIn: A Startup's link building Guide to Success | 33 likes | 17 comments

Usman walks you through the exact 8-step analysis point using Ahrefs, to get invaluable insights on your competitors, from understanding their backlink growth patterns and running quality checks on their site backlinks to achieving a similar or even better spread of portfolio for yourself.

5. 2024 backlink strategy- best practices

Post Link- Burkhard Berger on LinkedIn: 2024 backlink strategy- best practices | 158 likes | 54 reposts |

Check out Burkhard Berger's latest share on smashing the link-building game with 9 tried and true strategies, straight from his agency "Novum," boasting over 3000 backlinks in just a year. Dive deep into each technique, complete with real-world applications, tool recs, and the perks they pack.

From guest posting, leveraging HARO services, and product-led link building to savvy link insertions and interviews—plus a sweet suite of free tools, this is all you need to pick your favorite method and implement it right away.

6. Another Killer Infographic on building backlinks by Burkhard Berger

7. How your SEO content can earn backlinks

Say goodbye to the grind of manual backlink building!

Post Link- Davor Bomeštar on LinkedIn: How your SEO content can earn backlinks | 115 comments | 55 reposts |

Davor reveals 10 foolproof strategies that skyrocketed his client to 1600+ backlinks, all through SEO content. Dive into a visually rich post filled with fonts, graphs, and a carousel that breaks down 8 key techniques—from statistical roundups to leveraging original images, research lists, and templates to churn out high-value, link-worthy content for your site.

This guide isn't just informative—it's a visual feast, packed with exemplary content and stunning visuals.

8. The Ultimate Link-building Checklist

Post Link- Matthew Woodward on LinkedIn: The Ultimate Link-building Checklist

Matthew's got your backlink strategy sorted with a killer checklist ensuring you're only crafting top-tier links.

Broken down into 5 digestible sections—campaign prep, scouting backlink opportunities, site evaluation, content creation for link-building, and acing the quality control test. Stick to this guide, and you're hitting the backlink jackpot every time, no misses.

9. 19 Link-building tools you should be using this year

Post Link- Matthew Woodward on LinkedIn: 19 Link-building tools you should be using this year | 2 reposts |

Matthew Woodward's latest LinkedIn share cuts through the noise with 19 must-have link-building tools for this year. Split between 8 pro and 11 free tools, he's made sure there's something for every budget. Dive in and equip yourself with the right tools to level up your link-building game, no matter your budget constraints.

10. A road map to grow website from 𝟬 𝘁𝗼 𝟭𝗠 organic traffic⬇️

Post Link- OneLiitleWeb on LinkedIn: How To Grow Your Website Organically From 0 To 1M+ Visitors

Check out this case study from Onelittleweb, where they've mastered the art of blending killer backlink strategies with top-notch content for topical authority.

The result? Organic traffic that's closing on millions for their clients.

Dive into a clear, step-by-step breakdown of which tasks to tackle based on your traffic range to max out your site's traffic.


There you have it. LinkedIn's not just for scrolling through during your coffee break. It's packed with actionable, no-BS advice on scoring quality backlinks.

Remember, In the world of SEO, good things come to those who are proactive and patient. Keep pushing, stay sharp, and let your backlink profile do the bragging for you.

Happy linking!

How can LeadWalnut help?

LeadWalnut is an ISO-certified enterprise SEO specialist focused on helping you to maximize rankings, traffic, and conversions from your website.
LeadWalnut uses a combination of Content Strategy, Video Marketing, and Social engagement techniques to improve web performance.
LeadWalnut builds world-class websites, creates engaging success stories, and refines key messages around offerings, and problem areas to build trust and emotional connections with prospects.

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